Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertiliser

CCB-Humico GreenCCB-Humico Red
CCB Humico Green is a high-quality compound fertiliser containing humic acid, which increases yieldCCB Humico Red is a high-quality compound fertiliser containing humic acid, which increases yield

CCB-Organic 8-8-8 + 8MgOCCB-Organic 8-8-8 + 10HA + 3MgO
CCB Organic 8-8-8 + 8MgO is an environmentally friendly product that minimises environmental damage while increasing productivity
CCB Organic 8-8-8 +10HA + 3MgO is an environmentally friendly product that minimises environmental damage while increasing productivity

CCB-Humico AminaCCB-Amina
CCB Humico Amina is a high quality compound fertiliser that consist of humic acid and organic AminaCCB Amina is a high quality organic compound fertiliser

CCB-Humico Booster (Basal)CCB-Humico High N
CCB Humico Booster is a high quality organic compound fertiliser 
CCB Humico High-N is a high-quality compound fertiliser containing humic acid, which increases yield

CCB-Humico High K
CCB Humico High-K is a high-quality compound fertiliser containing humic acid, which increases yield

Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertilisers Fetures

Boost Nutrient UptakeProtect from Harmful Molecules
Our Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertiliser supports healthy root growth in high-clay and compacted soil, as well as binding loose low-clay soil particles for improved water retention. Furthermore, humic molecules can remove ions from clay soil, which improves plant health even further.
Our Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertiliser consist of Humic acid which has an amazing ability to chelate dangerous chemicals in the soil, preventing plants from absorbing toxins from the soil. Toxins can be found anywhere, even the soil. Pesticides, heavy metals, and residues of petroleum products are just a few of the potentially dangerous chemicals that plants may receive from the soil.
Boost Soil Moisture
Promotes Microbial Growth
Our Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertiliser may attract and retain moisture. The negatively charged humic acid attracts and binds to water molecules, preventing them from being washed away. Humic molecules are so effective in increasing soil water retention that they can reduce evaporation by up to 30%.
Our Organic-Inorganic Compound Fertiliser promotes a healthy microbiome, which increases the microbial population in soil. When the soil is loose, microbes are washed away as well. Humic acids promote microbial life by providing carbon, which is the microorganisms' principal food supply. Humic acid also provides a home for beneficial organisms. Essentially, humic acid provides bacteria with food and shelter.